Thursday, 5 December 2013


This is a short film, that we made as a group. We started by creating a controlling idea basically, a idea that the film revolves around which took much thought but in the end we came up with this. 
'You can only change when change is the only route to survival'
After coming up with the controlling idea we had to think of a way to express it. firstly we came up with a story where a boxer is a drug addict and due to his addiction he has destroyed his life; losing his career, his wife and his money. however, once we filmed this story we found that it was a bit too far fetched and decided that we need to simplify the story or how we portrayed it. So, we then came up with the idea of a letter from the boxers wife that tells him why she is leaving him and the film is basically a visualisation of the letter. We decided to stick with this idea because it is very expressive of our controlling idea in the fact that she had to change her life for her survival. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


The overall point of this piece was to show that you cant judge a book by its cover and that people my not actually be as they seem. I come to the decision to creating this piece by looking at Michael Landy's saints alive exhibition and how he deconstructed the saints visually. From this I decided that I was going to attempt to deconstruct personality after much thought I come with the idea of counter-types then this was my way of displaying counter-types.