Saturday, 26 April 2014
Friday, 25 April 2014

Character B – Character b is the cousin of character A and is the 2nd most significant person in the film. He is the character that was with character A in the initial murder and due to his involvement the audience would assume that he couldn’t inform the police because he would also suffer consequences of the incident. Character B is the character that will in the end betray character A and the fact that he is his cousin makes it even harder hitting.
Character C – This character is the one the audience is made weary of he is the one who appears to be the snake in the grass and is the character that ‘A’ kills when he thinks that he informed the police about the initial murder.
Character D – A member of the group of friends, this character is used to establish to the audience that it was one of their friends that was killed (initial murder).
Victim – Character killed in initial murder. Only shown in flashbacks and pics on folder in interview at the end.
Detective – only partially shown at the end of the film in the revealing (interview), may not even have to be shown there and is not shown in the scene where he knocks on character As door; voice can or can’t be used doesn’t really matter.
Yet to give characters names.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Survey Results
We handed out 50 surveys to all different people of different ages and walks of life to get a good insight into how people think about betrayal.
Question 1 Results
These results indicate that we could possibly involve a past betrayal that has been forgiven but not forgotten or we could include the opposite a past betrayal that has been forgotten but not forgiven. It also tells us that people have the tendency to want to trust an individual even if they did betray them before this makes people vulnerable to betrayal.
Question 2 Results
As the results indicate that betrayal is most common in a friendship it tells me that people would almost expect a betrayal to take place in a friendship. So if i done a betrayal in a relationship or family the audience would be more shocked as they wouldn't have expected it as much. Also these results will help me to avoid cliché.
Question 3 Results
As the vast majority of people think that murder is the most likely then maybe murder should not be the outcome of the betrayal in my piece. I could have suicide as the final outcome or i could have something completely different.
Question 4 Results
I should have a look at how betrayal is portrayed in these particular films, maybe i could gain some valuable techniques and ideas from them.
Question 5 Results
judas' story of betrayal is by far the most popular according to my survey results. as this story is so well known maybe i should include a reference back to it as it could be something that most people would be able to recognise is there. A very strong reference to Judas is the kiss of betrayal.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Primary Research (Survey & Interviews)
We used a online and hard survey to find out some of the publics opinions on betrayal. We asked them 5 questions. Could you trust someone who betrayed you in the past?, Where would you say betrayal is most common? In a relationship, Friendship or Family. What would you say is the more likely outcome of betrayal? Murder or Suicide. In your opinion name one film that portrays betrayal perfectly and Name one famous traitor.
I posted the online version on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to reach a wide range of people.
I posted the online version on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to reach a wide range of people.
*Results to be concluded*
I also conducted a few interviews where I asked people 5 questions in betrayal those where:
- What does betrayal mean to you?
- Who would be the worse person to betray you?
- Have you ever been betrayed & how?
- What effects did/would being betrayed have on you?
- Have you ever been betrayed?
Betrayal In History
John Anthony Walker
John was a united states navy chief warrant officer and communication specialist. He was convicted of spying for the Soviet Union from 1968 to 1985. By May 1985 John and his wife Barbara had divorced and upset by johns refusal to pay he alimony, Barbara reported his activities to the FBI.
Barbara wasn't prosecuted because of her role, however john got 30 years in jail.
Looking into this story has given me a basic structure for a possible story.
main character does something - one person knows because they trust that person - main character does something to that person - that person then betrays the main character.
Judas is possibly the most famous betrayal to have ever taken place. The betrayal of Jesus Christ. Judas was one of the disciples, he was the one who betrayed Jesus and gave him up to the Romans which lead to his death. The main thing I found interesting when looking into the story of Judas is the symbolism of the kiss he used to inform the romans of Jesus' identity the is also known as the 'Kiss of Betrayal'.
Brutus and Caesar
Julius Caesar was the dictator of Rome for 8 years starting his rein in 59BC. At that time in history dictatorship was seen as a temporary position however it was clear that Julius Caesar had plans to be the dictator for life. It was when he returned from a military campaign in the Greek islands where he made the famous statement 'I came, I saw, I concurred' that a group of conspirators made plans to kill Caesar one of which was his own nephew, Marcus Brutus. Although his wife begged him to not get involved Brutus still engaged in the group that eventually lead to the murder of Caesar.
'Et tu Brutus' latin for 'And you, Brutus' is the supposed last word of Caesar and are a great metaphoric symbol of betrayal from an unexpected person.
Contexual Research
I looked at series of films and how they depict betrayal. I looked at the storyline and its structure and the camera shots and movements during the scenes involved in the betrayal.
The first film I analysed was 'Paid in full'. In this film the main character is on the outside looking in on the betrayal basically he is neither the victim of the betrayal nor the person doing the betrayal.
Mitch is the character that gets betrayed, he is portrayed as the most popular and loved character out of the 3 main characters; Ace, Rico & Mitch.
Rico is the character who betrays mitch.
Paid In Full
The first film I analysed was 'Paid in full'. In this film the main character is on the outside looking in on the betrayal basically he is neither the victim of the betrayal nor the person doing the betrayal.
Mitch is the character that gets betrayed, he is portrayed as the most popular and loved character out of the 3 main characters; Ace, Rico & Mitch.
Rico is the character who betrays mitch.
Rico gets close with mitch then when he has his opportunity he takes it.
prior too the betrayal taking place the shots are a lot longer and have a much slower pace, cross fades and fade to black transitions are also immensely used at this time. These techniques are used to help build tension and tells the audience that a change in equilibrium is about to occur.
American Gangster
In this film Frank Lucas is the main character. In this film Frank is a big time drug lord aka king pin of Harlem. Frank is the traitor in this film as he gives police the information they need to take down some of the people that used to help him doing in his illegal business so that he gets a shorter jail sentence.
When the betrayal is taking place and frank is giving the police the information the shots speed up, they are a lot shorter and frequent. It the change in pace from the slow pace of the integration to the fast pace of the betrayal act itself that tells the audience that the betrayal is taking place. During the betrayal the camera also moves as oppose to it being completely still prior to the act of betrayal.
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